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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:57 pm

In my childhood, I've been traumatized by the Kaa scene in jungle book.
At the time, I didn't feel at ease when I saw it, it was so bizarre, It was ok to see a hero being beaten up by a villain, but watching a big snake chanting and wrapping himself around someone and hypnotizing the victim was too disturbing, that was the first time my eyes discovered hypnosis.

When I grew up, I've started to find this erotic, and since then, I've never stopped fantasizing about snake creatures.
I love when big snakes constricts their powerful body around their victims, enough to prevent them from escaping, but still keeping it tender to massage them, relax them..

I love the hissing sound they make too, particularly when it is the soft confident voice of a female.
Even in real life, when a girl imitate a snake sound, I become very very aroused  I love you .

I love nagas too, it is so beautiful to see a female body with a long powerful tail that moves back and forth, ready to capture the victim.

Here is an example I just adore : PaiRiiChel, from the artist Rebis :

Snakes and Lamias/Nagas 1eb9c3ee675ec736aa9ffa196fde1e88

Hentai where the character appears :

However, I have a hard time finding a lot of sexual representation of nagas. There are a lot of site where we can enjoy Kaa pictures, but for the naga, it's much harder to find, actually, this forum is one of the few that showed links of it.

By the way, there is a thing that intricate me in japanese hentai, we can find a lot of tentacles attacking heroines, but rarely snakes ?
I feel tentacles are sometimes too generic, and I'm surprised serpent creatures are not used that much, i mean, they can constrict even better, and there is so much potential in design creativity..

I would love to see an arabian exotic snake charmer villainess playing a sensual sound with a flute, calling a big snake, dancing slowly at the same time.
The heroine in front of her contemplate the strange spectacle, gaze at the snake wrapping itself around the dancing body of the seductress, then encircling the heroine, who is too entranced to fight back ...
Sue Chan did charming arts with that, there are probably others, but I don't know a lot of artist yet.

What do you think : D ?
Do you like seductive snakes and nagas ? What are your preferences ?

Last edited by DaisyHypnoPeril on Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  Rainday Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:55 pm

Snakes and Lamias/Nagas 0e5b9110
I prefer lamias 100%, even though Nagas can be the same thing, I've also seen Nagas depicted as merely serpents with human heads(Final Fantasy and Persona) or male lamia.  To me, the snakes themselves can get in between stuff and make things less yuri and more bestiality.  However, there are some exceptions like with Echidna from Queen's Blade(she uses her snake as a thong, tool to poison/weaken a opponent, or distract them).

But wow do I love lamia, wrapping around their victim with their tails in creative ways(standard coil, letting them ride their tail, using the tail as a leash/choker, slithering it across sensitive bits, using it as a focal point for hypnosis, a gag, a blinder, using it to dance with supreme fluid motion, or even as a whip).  Their smooth yet rigid scales providing little bumps of bliss against a woman's flesh...  Their snake eyes being so predatory that it can cause a victim to be paralyzed by fear before they fall into trance, and of course their tongue play could possibly be second to none.  Also, that lower body gives them such maneuverability, as well as a great way to catch prey that is focused on them and not where the tail ends.

I have managed to find a good amount of lamia on girl action in my time on the internet, I guess it's a pretty evenly split between pure yuri, evil conversion, and hypnosis, yuri being well represented by both east and west, while EC is more east and west is more hypno.  Whenever I get the chance, I'll post a lamia folder, in the meantime, if you haven't checked the Art Gallery Restoration thread yet, be sure to go there and look through the google drive folders of Final Fantasy, there's a good amount of lamia action since lamia tend to to be in a good amount of those games

I assume you know of Snake Guy Jack, cause man does he do a great job of keeping this alive with new art.  His tumblr is also nice to follow for other lamia stuff.

There's also and both great artist who focus quite a lot on lamia and hypno.

As for favorite lamia...  I always have a hard time choosing, so I'll say this.
As far as sheer power goes, Marilith from FF1.  She has a cool skin color, and enough arms and power to retain anyone who resist and still have fun with them
Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Marili10

Most lustful and relevant for me would probably be the Lamia Queen that impersonates Princess Hilda in FF2, her charm so powerful that it even decives the heroes for a bit, and even after the facade fails she still has a rather powerful charm spell up her scales.  Also, SO MUCH RED
Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Ffii_l10

Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Ffii_c10

Lastly, best Hime and lesbian slave maker, White Snake Princess by Kimohiko.  Her color scheme is just sharp, and the way she plays with her prey, divine.
Snakes and Lamias/Nagas 1af16e10

Of course, this isn't to say I forgot about their cousins, the gorgons and Medusa, who can be nifty too if they decide to play with their prey before turning them to stone.

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:27 am


I only knew SG Jack and Danimarion, but the others ... sensational, thank you!
Gallery saved on an external hard drive now, too precious;
Particularly the White Snake Princess, combined with the faces of the victims deformed by pleasure...

For Echidna from Queen's Blade, I find her hyper sexy too, the fight scene in the episode 3 is interesting :

And the way she wraps around her opponent here :

I just wish it was longer with a softer use of the snake ^^.

I used the word Naga, but yea Lamia is more appropriate indeed, I've never really differentiated the 2 words, I thought it was more or less the same, now I understand (I edited the title of the topic).

I can enjoy some male Naga version, however female Lamia are clearly more powerful sexually for me too, I wish such snake goddesses existed for real..

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  Rainday Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:05 pm

DaisyHypnoPeril wrote:FANTASTIC !!

I just wish it was longer with a softer use of the snake ^^.
Well, then you'll be happy to hear she's going to get some fun time with Aldra in the 4th Vanquished Queens OVA, whenever that pops up.  Also, curious, how would describe a softer use of a snake?  Like as bindings, slithering across & between their entwined bodies, hypno/gorgon stare, or as a sex object?

Speaking of which, you might get a kick out of this too, it's a Medusa enemy from Lighting Warrior Raidy II (91-96)

There was a lamia enemy in I too, I loved her colorful design
Snakes and Lamias/Nagas 14010

I used the word Naga, but yea Lamia is more appropriate indeed, I've never really differentiated the 2 words, I thought it was more or less the same, now I understand (I edited the title of the topic).

I can enjoy some male Naga version, however female Lamia are clearly more powerful sexually for me too, I wish such snake goddesses existed for real..

For the most part they are the same, it's just that I see some exception here and there, probably with what I grew up with.  It's up to you, but including lamia is a very nice gesture, thanks.[/quote]

Last edited by Rainday on Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:21 pm

Rainday wrote:Well, then you'll be happy to hear she's going to get some fun time with Aldra in the 4th Vanquished Queens OVA, whenever that pops up. Also, curious, how would describe a softer use of a snake? Like as bindings, slithering across & between their entwined bodies, hypno/gorgon stare, or as a sex object?

There are so many possibilities...
Echidna doesn't separate from her snake, but if we see the scene differently, she and Leina would at first stare at each other before the fight start.
Leina is anxious, shaking a little, while Echidna keeps gazing at her, without saying any words. Her red eyes have all the attention of Leina, who is so captivated that she is forgetting the crowd around them (Composed of women only this time).
The public seems fascinated as well, although for them, it is not directly the eyes of Echidna, but the effect it has on the young Leina.
The scared fighter they saw entering looks a bit more relaxed now, and Leina give the feeling of being unable to escape those wrapping red eyes.

However, a little blink from Echidna's eyes broke the spell. Leina could have recomposed herself during that short time, only if the snake still around Echidna's body wasn't moving.
Because yes, this short blink wasn't meant to interrupt the charm, it was a signal for the snake as well to enter in action.
- "You are right Leina, always watch your opponent's movement, never look away" said Echidna, mocking.
The female crowd starts laughing a bit.

Leina, embarrassed, open her mouth to answer back, but no sound is emitted. The snake is moving sensually on Echidna's body, and Leina is restarting to shake. This time, anxiety is not the only factor, though she is even more stressed than in the beginning. The other factor is a birth of a sexual arousal, created by the odd spectacle.
As the serpent massages the shoulders, neck and arms of Echidna, his skin emits a little bit of shiny oil. The strange oil produces a little sound of friction, regular, only punctuated by the moans of a more and more aroused crowd, and the lightly accelerated breathing of Echidna.
Those sounds are not heard by Leina very long however. They are being occulted by the beating of her own heart, it is getting more intense.

This perilous situation, being confronted to the danger of Echidna, and watched by all those women, makes Leina becoming more aware of her body, her senses are multiplied. Enjoying seeing Leina transfixed by her glowing skin and her massage, Echidna is now languidly raising her arms, initiating further curiosity in the mind of Leina, who, during a brief instant, thought was about to be attacked. But again, this instant of recomposure vanished, as the snake is now going towards her armpits, hissing softly, and gently licking them, occasionally going from one armpit to the other by sliding lazily above Echidna's breasts.
By slithering thus, it let more oil descends to Echidna's belly and between her breasts, for the enjoyement of Leina and the crowd, whose smooth moanings resonate in the stadium, leaving Leina completely paralysed by pleasure.

Nonetheless, having her armpits snake-tongue-massaged, Echidna lower her arms, admiring her sublime work of hypnosis.
Her victim doesn't move. Leina is just standing, contemplating her and her snake who is now moving to her muscular legs, while the end of his tails is tracing a circular motion on her belly.

- "Look into my eyes Leina".
Without thinking, Leina obeys. Echdna's eye captured once again the attention of Leina.
She doesn't realize that the snake is seizing this distraction to leave Echidna's body and approach her.
- "I know my snake is charming, but don't you think I deserve more attention ?" She saids, smiling.
Angered by this taunt and ashamed of letting herself getting played so easily, Leina runs towards Echidna, but, having not paid attention to the snake, stagger in a very ridicule way on him, falling face down to the oiled ground and getting covered by the liquid.
Echidna and the women crowd are mocking her again, but strangely, this time she is not affected by their laugh.

The liquid may has been comfortable for her feet when she was standing, but being too absorbed by Echidna, it wasn't the center of her attention.
Now that she is fully covered, Leina can feel it warmth. It has a smooth oily texture.
She is right now unable to hear the public or anything else.
Raising her hand, trying to get up, she suddenly feel the need to put her hand back to the liquid.
She smile, with a dumb look on her beautiful face. She gets on all four, walking like a baby, and then lower her upper body to re-experiment the feeling of entering this welcoming liquid. She re do that several times.
The crowd is now totally silent. Everyone is watching Lena leaving and re-entering the liquid, like sort of lazy push ups.
In the arena, we can only hear the noise it makes, along with her moanings.
This bizarre scene is continuing while everyone watch in a silent arousal. However, getting bit by bit physically tired, weakened, Leina's moans become softer, and she seems barely conscious.

This is not going on forever thought, Echidna's serpent unexpectedly lick and tickle Leina foot, breaking her from her trance.
Shocked, like someone getting interrupted in a marvelous dream, Leina look around her, a look of surprise on her face.
- "You're awake?" Asked Echidna playfully. The crowd is giggling again.
Feeling guity, Leina quickly rub her hands on her body, trying to remove the liquid, but the hard rubbing is transforming itself into slower caresses, as the oil seems impossible to remove, and never loss its heat.
Entering into a semi trance, she once more fall on her back to the ground.

- "Don't be shy Leina, if you desire some help, you can ask to my snake. After all, it would be unfair for me to be the only one to enjoy him".
The snake is moving towards Leina, then circling around her. She is trembling. At any time, he will be on her. He will do the same thing he did to Echdna, but contrary to her, Leina has no control over him. She is fixing his eyes, trying to get ready to stop him, but, being longer than she expected, she didn't noticed the end of his tail which starts to massage delicately her sole.
- "No... please" pleaded Leina
- "Do you see how caring he is ? He remarked how ticklish your feet are, so he didn't go in brutally.. let him tempt you, trust him, nothing bad can happen to you now" comforted Echidna.

The end of the snake tails was going in between Leina toes, and on each and every of them equally. Despite being on the defensive, she couldn't help but feeling relaxed. The arena is now calm again, only the noise of the rubbing are heard.
Her eyes closed, Leina is unable to think about negative thing now. She is in a content state, her mind filled with very pleasurable yet simple thoughts, like the fact of having such wonderfully sensitive feet, so receptive to caresses and affection.

Echidna is gracefully moving towards her. Opening her eyes, Leina observe her foe from very close, and is just forced to admit to herself how beautiful she is.
Her skin is still glowing from the snake massage she received before, it make her looks so sexually powerful.
- "May I lie down next to you?"
Echidna asked this in a polite and gentle voice, surprisingly different from the beginning.
But what was more surprising for Leina was the fact that she simply answered "Sure".
After being publicly mocked, it was very appeasing to receive this kind of attention. Speaking of public...
- "Hey, where are they ? The public, All those women?" Asked Leina.
- "Oh, they simply understood we needed to be alone together. But if you desire, I can leave as well, me and my snake ?"
Leina couldn't tell if Echidna was sincere with her or was just making fun of her. Echidna had a strange smile on her face. It was like a timid friendly smile, but so seductive and mischievous at the same time.
Leina was hesitating. All she has to say is "Yes". Just "Yes, leave me". And with that, she could maybe escape the game of Echidna.
However, it was a gentle kiss by Echidna on her shoulder that guided her answer.
- "No, don't leave..." Finally said Leina.
- "No, please" Answered back Echidna in a suddenly authoritative voice.

Leina became suspicious. She should resist, she now it is a very dangerous game. She try to get up and move away, but the didn't realized that the snake had constricted her legs. She was so much into the foot massage and her conversation with Echidna that she lowered her guard.
Scared of what may happen next, she puts her hands on the snake attempting to remove him, but it was no use, he was too strong.
Echidna, she, was simply watching with amusement her prey struggling, yet couldn't wait the next move of her beloved snake pet.

The snake oil of arousal.
Encore, the snake produced the same mysterious oil on Leina who finds out that, if the ground liquid is powerful, it is nothing compared to the snake's one. Her hands are no trying to remove him anymore. She needs to touch him.
However, the oil suddenly disappeared.
- "Why?". Leina was starting to cry. Why such pleasure is denied ? Can't she feel truly happy a at least one time in her life ? She turned her wet eyes towards Echidna.

Echidna fixed her intense gaze on her. One more time, Leina feels the eyes hypnotizing her. During this time, the snake wrapped himself around the rest of Leina body, his skin very pleasurable to contact, but still not producing the magic oil.
- "You know the word, Leina". She talked in a seductive and compelling voice, no choice was left.
- "... P.. Please.." Implored Leina
- "I accept your request" sais Echidna

Leina is now smiling and happy... but the snake abruptly leave Leina body.
He is now making circles around the women.
- "Arise, my slave" ordered Echidna.
Leina obey her new owner. She didn't dared to ask for more oil, she simply waited. Both women are standing, staring at each other.
Echidna walk towards Leina, her body still covered with the snake oil. Her pet snake's circle are getting smaller as both women get closer to each other.
Leina has never felt so alive.

Now their upper bodies are pressing against each other. Finally, the divine oil is spreading on Leina body. She let go a deep moan of pleasure.
Smiling, Echidna arms go under the armpits of Leina, and her hands give Leina's back a very sensual massage, going up and down, in a very rhythmic way. The palm of her hand increase the heat at every stroke, while her fingers acts like slow moving spiders, exploring their new conquered territory.
Due to the constant rubbing of Echidna's breats and belly against Leina's upper body, the magical oil is mixing itself with the uncontrollable production of sweat by Leina body, who now desire only to lose herself in pleasure.

The taking of Leina is not over, though, as the snake starts to wraps himself against their legs, Echidna's wraps her right leg around the right tight of Leina, her right foot massaging Leina's calf, while the toes of the left foot of both women are constantly rubbing each other as well.
The snake is ascending, his head arriving to Leina's ass. After tickling and licking her ass, he returns between her tight, rubbing her pussy and enjoying his mistress equally.
As he moves on to their upper body and wraps both women, Echidna gives Leina slow and long loving kiss on her lips.
Echidna may be a skilled fighter, but compared to her loving attribute, it is absolutely nothing.

Prisoner of the seductive lips of Echidna, Leina could only accept defeat. The woman woman that wanted to fight the mistress of snakes is no more, it was absurd to think the contrary.
She can't believe she dared to step in the arena in the objective of stopping her, who could ?
Not only she is a better fighter, but her hypnotic ability are too persuasive. She will now be the plaything of Echidna and her snake, forever.


That's how I would have see this fight scene.
For the snake, it's like you said, using him to constrict and caress the victim, except that for the hypno gaze, I tend to prefer when it is the villainess that hypnotize.

The scene in the 4th episode is hot indeed: D. I'll always fantasize about females snakes characters, it's too good.

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  Rainday Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:40 pm

Very nice, 28 points for length, and 5 bonus points for exclusiveness, and an extra 5 for finding the 4th OVA, which brings the total to 38 points. You fic was quite nice, it had a few errors here and there, but still very sexy dood, well done =)

And good call on wanting the villainess do the hypno ^__^

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:43 pm

Thank you very much for the feedback, and sorry for not answering before, I was browsing the forum in search of new ideas.

I hope my grammar errors are not too annoying, english is not my first language, but I'll still try to be as clear as possible study .

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  Rainday Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:34 pm

DaisyHypnoPeril wrote:Thank you very much for the feedback, and sorry for not answering before, I was browsing the forum in search of new ideas.

I hope my grammar errors are not too annoying, english is not my first language, but I'll still try to be as clear as possible study .

It's okay dood, and this came out pretty well given english is not your first language, so yeah, good job.

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:59 am

Rainday wrote:Thank you~

Here's Lamias and other snake girls

And as a holiday bonus(and because I forgot I had it uploaded in advance), Dragon's Crown!

But yeah, be sure to go check out these artist if you can, I did my best to label all western artist, but there's always google pic search if that fails you, and if that fails you can ask me and I'll do my best to remember where it came from.  But yeah, go check them out, favorite their works, and see if they have anything new or something else that interest you =)

I put this post here, super sexy pics !

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:58 am

Sorceress vs Lamia from Hypnohub

I like this artist too, there are very good Lamias ans Snakes here

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  Rainday Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:17 am

I had some thoughts while staring at the new Shantae character, Tuki
I do love how she has that sorta sinister line at the end, but her ability to teach you new dances in exchange for old ones is what really fascinates me. How would she take dances from you, possibly with a hypnotic dance with flashing some hypnotic eyes to forget... and if Shantae is too much of a repeat customer then maybe she can make her forget even more... I could run down several options with that idea... But along with reading Monster Musume I thought of something special a snake could do... Unhinge her jaw so she can really suck on some breasts, or provide a very special experience down there with her forked tongue. Imagine it with the term "cottonmouth"(a type of snake we have down here in plenty)... imagine how gentle it could be... But yeah, lamias are capable of a whole lot of stuff when you think of it. Add in the poisoning that turns out to be a paralyzing aphrodisiac, using the tail as all sorts of bondage fashions(restraints, collar/leash, blindfold, gag, etc) and of course the hypnotic eyes and dance.

Oh, and here's some more of Tuki from the original artist's tumblr

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:48 pm

Rainday wrote:I had some thoughts while staring at the new Shantae character, Tuki
I do love how she has that sorta sinister line at the end, but her ability to teach you new dances in exchange for old ones is what really fascinates me. How would she take dances from you, possibly with a hypnotic dance with flashing some hypnotic eyes to forget... and if Shantae is too much of a repeat customer then maybe she can make her forget even more... I could run down several options with that idea... But along with reading Monster Musume I thought of something special a snake could do... Unhinge her jaw so she can really suck on some breasts, or provide a very special experience down there with her forked tongue. Imagine it with the term "cottonmouth"(a type of snake we have down here in plenty)... imagine how gentle it could be... But yeah, lamias are capable of a whole lot of stuff when you think of it. Add in the poisoning that turns out to be a paralyzing aphrodisiac, using the tail as all sorts of bondage fashions(restraints, collar/leash, blindfold, gag, etc) and of course the hypnotic eyes and dance.

Oh, and here's some more of Tuki from the original artist's tumblr

I'm totally sold on this character ... dancing lamia, slowly coming out of her pot with a hypnotic Arabian music ... well, you said everything, it's ... too good...
Also, there is a thing I adore in some lamia design, it's when they are muscled, not to the extreme, but when we can see it appears under their skin,
like the ass here :
the overall body there :
and another example with this character, those muscled buttocks are hypnotic :
Snakes and Lamias/Nagas The_me11

It makes them looks so powerful while keeping their feminine attribute as well, I love it.
I can't wait to see more fanarts with Tuki, I don't know how she'll be received in the gaming world, but at least we can predict she'll have a great future in the hypno fetish universe lol.

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  Rainday Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:21 pm

Yeah yeah, well toned to muscular girls can be the best sometimes =) Especially with lamia, letting you know that they could easily crush you, but are surprisingly gentle, applying just enough force to silence any resistance from your body. Oh, and I forgot two more snake traits that I wanted to mentioning, both cobra related.

1 is spitting, how they can shoot their venom forth and blind someone. I could work as a Blind Status effect, not painful, though maybe a type of gunk you couldn't easily remove from your eyes, possibly with a strong perfume with it, just enough to distract you while the the lamia wraps her tail around a foot to pull you in and tease you with pleasure from any angle.

2 is the cobra hood, though to me, it wouldn't be located at the neck, but instead along the sides were the torso starts and stops just before the hand. the best example I could find is this but not as long. Essentially it would be a thin layer of skin that would fan out like cobra hood with A) a hypnotic pattern to aid with dance hypnosis, or B) an eye pattern to paralyze or surprise any victim

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  DaisyHypnoPeril Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:15 am

2)A) is really a superb spectacle.
Hood around the neck it wouldn't be the best for lamia, but where the torso and arms are, it's indeed the best for accompanying the dance, it's beautiful.

I wonder if the spitting + hood could be combined ? Not at the same time of course, but one after another :
- The Lamia spits her venom to the Heroine's eyes, temporarily blinding her and soothing her with the perfume. When the Heroine finally manages to remove the spit from her eyes and regain her sense of sight, it is only to discover the lamia deployed her hood, displaying a mesmerizing pattern. Like a magical spell, "When your eyes will be free, they will fall in love with the first creature they see"...
- The lamia starts with the hypnotic hood, to make sure the heroine is captivated and unable to focus on dodging, then spits while the heroine is fully dazed by the dance, and can finally wraps her tail.

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Snakes and Lamias/Nagas Empty Re: Snakes and Lamias/Nagas

Post  Rainday Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:00 pm

I am a sucker for love at first site, throw in some hypnotic hissing while she uses the tip of her tail to gentle caresses her prey's face(as well as preventing her from getting distracted) and that sounds like a winning combo =)

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